Tag: Ski Heritage East

Bulletin de décembre 2021

Patinoire extérieure au parc Jeanne d’Arc Si vous cherchez une activité physique à l’extérieur cet hiver, sachez que nous planifions la préparation et l’ouverture de notre patinoire communautaire extérieure, située au 1155 St. Moritz, derrière l’école Convent Glen. L’hiver dernier, la surface de la patinoire était exceptionnelle, grâce aux efforts d’une merveilleuse équipe de bénévoles, …

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December 2021 Newsletter

trees along a winding path

Jeanne D’Arc Park Ice Rink For those of you looking for a little outdoor exercise this winter, our community outdoor ice rink (located at 1155 St. Moritz behind Convent Glen school) will be operating again this season. Last winter, conditions were immaculate thanks to our fantastic group of volunteers led by Jeff Fennessy. This group …

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December 2020 Newsletter

How to celebrate the holidays while obeying COVID restrictions Given the changing face of Covid-19 numbers and accompanying guidance, it’s early to be talking about the holiday season which is still about 4 weeks away.  That said, what seems to be clear is that like everything since March, our 2020 holiday season will not be …

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