Category: Urbanism

CA is for Change Agent

woman wearing teal dress sitting on chair talking to man

Matthieu Gagnon, Vice-President Since I joined the community association, I have been thinking about what role we should take when it comes to advocating for our community needs, which is one of the elements of our new strategic plan. The community association is in a weird spot where we represent members of our community in …

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New Urbanism in Troubled Times

houses near road

Matthieu Gagnon, Vice-President I am currently writing this in the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration. The tableau made it clear that our closest neighbour has been captured by oligarchs who do not have the best interests of their citizens in mind let alone the interests of foreigners including us Canadians. The global environment does not …

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting… to Drive Everywhere

bicycle lane on asphalt road of residential district

In many North American communities, the prevailing expectation is that driving is the primary, if not the only, way to get around.

Building a Stronger Sense of Community: Why It Matters

high angle shot of suburban neighborhood

In today’s digitally connected world, it’s easy to feel isolated despite being surrounded by people. Building closer relationships with our neighbors can counteract this isolation and bring numerous benefits to our lives. As a member of the community association, I believe fostering a sense of community cohesiveness is essential. Enhanced Social Support and Safety Knowing …

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Learning About Roundabouts: Steering Towards a Safer, More Efficient Community

aerial view of cars on the road

As a proud member of the board of our community association in Convent Glen Orleans Wood, I am a huge proponent of the maintaining the charm and tranquility of our neighbourhood. We all cherish the sense of familiarity and the ease of getting around without needing to navigate traffic during peak times, especially when construction …

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In the Suburbs, Everything Looks Like a Drive

landscape photography of cars

The title of this post references the old adage, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” This saying is especially true when it comes to transportation in suburban Ottawa.

Rethinking Suburban Living – A Path to Resilience and Affordability

high angle photography of village

As a resident of our suburban neighborhood with family roots here since the early 90s, I’ve come to appreciate the tranquility, space, and sense of calm that comes with living outside the hustle and bustle of the inner city.

Third places in Convent Glen Orléans Wood

people inside bar

Matthieu Gagnon, Vice-President The Pumpkin Alley organized by my fellow community association board member, Arnold van den Hoeven, made me realize two important things, our neighbours are generally awesome and we need more of these types of things. The highlight of the event to me was how casual it was. The park, on a regular …

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