Convent Glen – Orléans Wood
Community Association
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Bruyère Village, 7:00 pm
1. Welcome
Ian gave a warm welcome to the 10 community members in attendance. There will be time at the end of the meeting to open the floor and hear concerns from the community.
ACTION: provide copies of the agenda to community members at the next public meeting
2. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved.
3. Adoption of past minutes
The minutes were adopted.
4. New board member – Ian
Ian introduced Karen Dufton to the board. She is a 12 year resident of Convent Glen, retired with expertise in marketing and communication. The board felt she would be a good fit for the Board and the Association.
Ian proposed the approval of Karen’s nomination as a Board member. The Board was unanimous in their aggreement, including Dame Claude who verbally consented to Ian and André B. who did so by email.
5. Federation of Citizens Association – Dame Claude
Dame Claude informed the Board that she is attending their meetings and proposed that the Association take a membership – annual cost of $30. It was mentioned that we hope this will assist them in broadening their membership to suburban areas of the City in order to ensure that they not focus strictly on downtown associations and areas. It will also help us disseminate their information to our area and community associations.
Ian seconded that the Association join the FCA. Dame Claude will continue to attend the meetings on behalf of the CGOWCA. Other CGOWCA members are always welcomed to attend. The Board was unanimous in their aggreement.
6. Discussion: Orléans Monument at Jeanne d’Arc exit – Claude G.
Claude G. informed the Board that he and André B. discussed this idea at the Christmas social. The idea is that a “gate” announcing that you have arrived in Orléans be erected at the Jeanne d’Arc exit of the 174. The idea is only at the preliminary discussion stage so we do not know what it could look like or how much it would cost. Ian and Claude G. will discuss the idea with Councillor Monette and MPP McNeely to identify potential leads, funds and contacts. The Board agreed to pursue the idea.
It was noted that another similar idea is to erect a sign or plaque to announce “Convent Glen” similar to the monument for Orléans Wood at the corner of Champlain and Jeanne d’Arc. This could be less expensive and easier to accomplish. Both ideas generated interest. It was noted that Convent Glen is the “gateway” to Orléans.
It was suggested to google “Bancroft” town sign for a good example. Residents also pointed to local organizations that deal with Orléans’ history and heritage. These organizations could be interested in taking part in this project.
7. Rink maintenance – David
David updated the Board on our pilot initiative to manage the Convent Glen ice rink, located at Fortune and Jeanne d’Arc (behind the school), to make our organization better known and to raise funds. We have volunteers from among Board members for the season and have purchased a snowblower. We have also bought eight shovels which we leave outside for people to use. The rink requires flooding four times per week. Weather has a big impact on the ice conditions so it has been on and off again. Local kids have been able to take advantage of it. Garneau H.S. was contacted for volunteers. There is an issue with liability – we need to have a Board member present at all times; we cannot just have students. Members were informed that Sure Print did a sign for the boards of the rink which will be installed on January 9.
David has been the lead rink manager. He informed the Board that his hope is that we do it again next year with the addition of having someone in Orléans Woods help with maintainance of a rink in that area. This is currently a challenge because all of the current Board members live in Convent Glen. It was noted that this year we do not have a lot of funds but next year will be better since we will already have purchased a snowblower. Also, if we hadn’t taken on management of this rink, there would not be a functional ice rink this season.
Members noted that there are “puddles” in the Grey Nuns area (no boards, 1/3 of a normal rink, between the two schools) that city makes, floods, and sweeps. There used to be a “puddle” near our rink. David informed everyone that it would be ideal for next year and the hose is long enough but creating an ice surface from grass is triple the labour.
8. Metro display – André P.
Members were reminded that this Saturday we will have a table with 250 brochures on our association at the Convent Glen Metro. We will greet customers as they exit and sign people up for our newsletter/to become members of the association. Our table will be up from 10am to 4pm. Each Board member agreed to man the table for a 90 minute shift.
9. Fundraising brochure – André P.
Our flyer to sell advertisements to local businesses is progressing well. We will be focusing on small shopping centres in our area (4 in total) which includes about 40 businesses. The flyer will be sent to all 5,600 households via Canada Post. Second copies will be hand-delivered by Board members to selected homes. Board members have been assigned businesses to approach.
There are three options with varying prices. André P. informed members that he has already spoken to the Convent Glen Shopping Centre Manager and he has expressed strong interest. He will submit the offer to the Hamilton head office. Our hope is that they get on board for the $400 offer. However, “big” businesses such as LCBO, Subway, Banks, Metro, Shoppers are not keen on putting up signs or supporting our initiative. They refer us to their head office. There might be an opening with RBC. They were the only business who put up a sign for our community clean-up last Spring.
We will ask businesses to provide a $20 gift certicate. We’ll put 150 brochures in their stores and a box in each store for a draw taking place at the end of March.
ACTION: Board members – get started now with contacting your businesses to get them on board with the advertisement brochure.
Copies of the contract were sent to all Board members by email. It is still too early to get artwork or money at this point; we just need a letter of commitment. We will collect the money and ask for the artwork once it is fully sold. Specific details on the brochure and the offer to businesses can be provided by André P. Members noted that it is important we keep some printing vouchers for thank-you’s to volunteers.
Members discussed the possibility of approaching businesses on St. Joseph. It was noted that only one side is ours and they have the BIA. That said, we can expand to it if we are not successful on our first attempt or if we need additional subscribers. André P. will speak to the BIA representative about the possibility.
ACTION: JF will get visit stats for our new website.
10. Logo Contest – Ian
We launched a competition a few months ago, asking for submissions for a logo design. All local high schools were approached, as well as Arts Ottawa East, churches, and local media.
We did not get the number of submissions we were expecting. Only one high school and one adult participated. It was proposed that as a Board we look at the high school submissions, choose 1-3 “Best in Class” to recognize the school and the students who participated. Members felt that we do not have enough submissions to go to a jury. Perhaps we could have been more proactive in our communication (more personal contact, telephone contact rather than just emails, etc.).
The Board was in agreement. Board members will get together to go through the submissions.
11. Newsletter update – JF
Members discussed the upcoming newsletter. Potential articles were discussed: activity at the ice rink, with photos of David shovelling next to the sign; an update on the situation with Mac’s Milk’s vacant lot, etc.
An update was provided to members present at the meeting: the vacant lot owned by Mac’s Milk is located at the corner of Fortune Drive and Jeanne d’Arc Blvd. Claude Go. has made many efforts into getting this lot beautified with grass and bushes. Councilor Monette has been supportive and has also written them yet no action has been taken by the owner. We will continue our efforts. Claude Go. will try to contact the president of the organization (Couche-Tarde) that owns Mac’s Milk.
It was noted that we must also consider the issue from the owner’s perspective and interest. Members discussed the possibility of re-zoning the property for residential use. This idea may be better received by the propery owner. Members were informed that the site has been remediated.
Members were asked for feedback, if they had suggestions for newsletter content, and if somebody was interested in writing an article. A discussion on newsletters from other local community associations followed.
It was suggested to ask Councilor Monette if he would be interested in having an article in the newsletter. Members agree that the article should be a review or update of issues in the community and not be used for the upcoming municipal election
It was noted that the Association’s newsletter should be shared with the City’s planning department.
Members decided to set the deadline for the newsletter for the end of the third week of January.
ACTION: Claude Go. will write an article on the Mac’s Milk situation.
ACTION: Claude Go. will discuss the re-zoning proposal with Councilor Monette.
ACTION: Ronalee will write an article on Councilor Monette’s request to have the City revisit its policy on dealing with on-off leash dog park changes and the incorrect signage at the end of Roslyn Park.
ACTION: David will research the incident that recently took place in the area and will share a draft article for review.
ACTION: André P. will write an article on our fundraising initiative.
ACTION: JF will write an article on our Metro presentation day.
ACTION: Ronalee will ask Councilor Monette if he is interested in having an article in our newsletter.
ACTION: Dame Claude will contact a planner at the City to discuss the newsletter.
12. Ottawa Neighbourhood Study – Dame Claude
Members were informed of the situation with David Hole and the Neighbourhood Study and the presentation that was supposed to take place in November. This study offers the opportunity to address errors and to add information about our community that may be missing. We’ll try to target specific groups such as representatives of other East end community associations. It was suggested that we could also target real estate agents because the information presented may be useful for them as well as the Business Improvement Association (BIA). Ian will take steps in March since this activity is not time sensitive.
ACTION: Ian to contact other Orléans Community Assns. And real estate agents; Ian to re-book David Hole and the Bruyere Centre
13. Other business
Residents of Lumberman Way presented an issue they are dealing with regarding the zoning changes made to improve St. Joseph Blvd. Residents expressed concerns that the City of Ottawa may have overlooked the small stretch of St. Joseph that slopes down and overlooks their residential street. The residents expressed concerns that the new zoning does not consider the height on a lot with a slope or how that may affect the slope’s stability. The residents are currently researching the old zoning from the City of Gloucester and requested assistance from the Association in exploring putting together a change in zoning request. Members noted that the Tim Hortons on Orléans Blvd. had to do remedial work to ensure the slope behind the property was stabilized. It was confirmed that this is the kind of issue the Association is interested in and that we could certainly provide assistance.
Members also discussed the inter-provincial bridge situation and were informed that the Ontario Minister of Transport is putting together a new $750,000 study, due at the end of this year, to study three possible routes for a tunnel.
14. Next meeting
The Board will meet on Wednesday, February 19th for 6pm to review logos.
ACTION: Ronalee will send a doodle poll to confirm availabilities and make a reservation at the restaurant.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for February 26th at 7pm, followed by a meeting with a guest speaker on March 26th at 7pm.
ACTION: Ian will reserve the room for the next meetings.