Category: Urbanism

Restoring the Heart of the Suburbs

Today, I’d like to share an idea with you. This might be something you have never thought about before, and in fact it may be a lot of work up front to convince you that thinking about this is even worth your time.

Budget 2025: Active Transportation Priorities

Matthieu Gagnon, Vice-President, CGOWCA Board Last spring, I did a series on my personal blog about what I consider the top priorities for active transportation in Orléans. I came up with four general objectives and wrote a post about each of them: Allowing kids to move around the neighbourhood Getting people to the …

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A Weekend in the Suburbs With No Car

For many suburban parents, reading the title of this article might send shivers down your spine. For a lot of families, one car per adult in the household is pretty typical, unless a car is in the shop or out of commission for some other reason.