Tag: Board Meeting

June 2024 Newsletter

A group of 5 people sitting around a board room table. They have papers and pens on the table. There is a flip chart in the back that they've been drawing on.

Attend an Association Board Meeting Maybe you’re curious about what happens at board meetings or are not sure about getting involved.  Come on out and join us!  The next regular meeting of the CGOWCA volunteer Board of Directors is on June 10, 2024. The meeting is virtual.  If you would like to attend, email [email protected]

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September 2018 Newsletter

people seated around a table for a meeting, and two people shaking hands

Wondering about local Neighbourhood Watches? Have you been concerned about safety on your street?  One way that communities can come together is to form a Neighbourhood Watch group. To find out if a Neighbourhood Watch exists in your neighbourhood or to start a new one, contact your local Community Police Centre. Your Community Police Centre can provide you …

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