Tag: community safety

February 2022 Newsletter

poster for the CGOWCA snow sculpture contest.

Winter Carnival Update The board of the CGOWCA has decided to cancel our annual Winter Carnival again this year, due to the risk and uncertainty around the pandemic. (Yes, we’re just as tired of it as you are!) Instead, we invite you to participate in our Snow Sculpture Contest! There will be two categories: 10 …

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March 2021 Newsletter

Income Tax Season The end of February marks the time of year when most of us start to think about filing our annual income tax returns.  More and more often, government benefits and social programs are only accessible to those who file income tax. 211’s provincial blog talks about benefits accessible to low income …

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January 2021 Newsletter

artist drawing showing people of different cultures wearing a face mask www.teafly.com

Happy New Year! The Convent Glen-Orléans Wood Community Association wishes everyone a heartfelt Happy New Year.  Given the challenges we’ve lived through in 2020, we are all eager to see the finish line of the Covid-19 pandemic.   Despite the vaccines that are starting to be given to front-line workers and high-risk groups, we all need …

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September 2018 Newsletter

people seated around a table for a meeting, and two people shaking hands

Wondering about local Neighbourhood Watches? Have you been concerned about safety on your street?  One way that communities can come together is to form a Neighbourhood Watch group. To find out if a Neighbourhood Watch exists in your neighbourhood or to start a new one, contact your local 

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