Celebrating Gloucester 1867-2017

In Celebration of Canada’s Sesquicentennial,

The Gloucester Historical Society invites students to participate in a writing contest titled

“Life in Gloucester 1867 – 2017”

This is designed to be a class writing project coinciding with the Grade 8 Canadian History curriculum but individual students may also participate even if this is not a class project in their school.

Eligibility: Any Grade 8 student residing or attending school in former Gloucester territories

This includes all areas from the Ottawa River in the north to Mitch Owens in the south,
and from the Rideau River in the west to Champlain Street, Mer Bleue Road and Boundary Road in the east.

Historic Gloucester Map

Entries will be up to three typewritten pages long or longer if maps and photos are included. A cash prize of $150 as well as a framed certificate will be awarded to the top English and the top French entries. Second and third prize winners in both English and French will receive $100 and $50 respectively.

Closing date will be April 30, 2017, with the award being made in June 2017 at the winning schools. Entries may be in English or French, about any aspect of Gloucester history (for example: a person, place or event), with a strong focus on evidence gathered from primary and secondary sources.

Further details are available on their website, www.gloucesterhistory.com, and inquiries may be directed to [email protected] or [email protected].

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