Tag: New Year

January 2024 Newsletter

A photograph of a group of people - 9 hands reaching towards the centre with a sparkler. In the centre is a lighter lighting the sparklers.

Happy New Year! May 2024 be filled with memorable moments. CGOWCA Bylaws – we need help! In 2021, the provincial government updated the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. Since the Convent Glen Orléans Wood Community Association is registered as a non-profit in Ontario, we must update our bylaws accordingly. We are looking for assistance from …

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January 2021 Newsletter

artist drawing showing people of different cultures wearing a face mask www.teafly.com

Happy New Year! The Convent Glen-Orléans Wood Community Association wishes everyone a heartfelt Happy New Year.  Given the challenges we’ve lived through in 2020, we are all eager to see the finish line of the Covid-19 pandemic.   Despite the vaccines that are starting to be given to front-line workers and high-risk groups, we all need …

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