Tag: vaccine

October 2021 Newsletter

Participate in Ecology Ottawa’s Fall Bioblitz Join us this long weekend, October 8th to 11th, for our second fall bioblitz! What is a Bioblitz? It’s a community event that highlights the importance of citizen-science, where the effort is to record as many species possible. The goal is to collect as many natural observations as you …

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Summer 2021 Newsletter

image of a bee on a dandelion flower

Ecology Ottawa’s Summer Bioblitz What is a Summer Bioblitz? Ecology Ottawa’s Summer Bioblitz is a 3-day event that challenges you to get outside and explore your nearby surroundings for all kinds of wildlife. Participants will document their observations on iNaturalist, a mobile and web app that allows users to document all the nature they encounter. …

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April 2021 Newsletter

Cleaning the Capital [from City of Ottawa] Early bird registration started on  March 15th. Let’s get cleaning! Register your cleanup project for the 2021 Cleaning the Capital spring campaign by May 15th.  When the project is completed, provide your feedback with the online Cleanup Report by May 31st. Join the thousands of community volunteers to …

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